Friday, July 3, 2009

The Shadow Cabinet: A New Era of Hope or A Pandora's Box ?

Finally, we get to see the potential candidates for Pakatan’s shadow cabinet.

To resolve the doubts public voters are now having about the credibility, competence and viability of the fragile coalition, Pakatan should put these three committee members per ministry to openly discuss their views/policies (cross examined by the media or Internet media like Malaysiakini and Malaysian Insider in a video telecast forum) and allow the public to vote online who is the most competent and fair to the rakyat in responding to issues such as:

1. Malaysia's Economic Conundrum: The global economic downturn and Msia’s new model to survive (sorry, Najib has won half the battle on this front by dismantling NEP on 30th June, in spirit if not fully in letter). So Pakatan has to work doubly hard on the new economic model.

2. Malaysia's Social Political Conundrum: The social problem of race and religion that is hampering the rakyat from moving forward. To what extent are these minister committee members open to a more flexible, intellectually free society or a more restrictive, closed society based on the narrow religious restrictions of one particular domineering faction of Muslims (no need to mention the partylah) ?

Finally, each member should come clean on the hidden agenda of unity talks - power for one race or ensuring good race relations in a complex society like ours?

Just as the Internet has revolutionized political news coverage in the past year, Pakatan should use any impactful technology it can get hold of to reach out to key voters who wish to look into the insides of the brains and hearts of our next leaders.

Having said that, I am sorry to say that, judging from the recent crises in Pakatan Rakyat, the insides of their leaders' brains/hearts is more like a Pandora’s box. While I don't subscribe to Greek mythology, it is ironical that at the bottom of the box, there is hope.
As at today, I doubt Pakatan can be trusted to lead any nation, much less any corporation at the rate they are going. Which is why the mandate to rule should be given back to online voters and citizens.