While I agree with many of the injustices and inconveniences cited by ex-Malaysian George CN Lee, there are many equally if not more rational reasons for many Malaysians to stay.
Incidentally, George Lee made his decision to migrate two years ago and this means that he left before the political tsunami of 8th March 2008. This is a crucial factor because many things were getting from bad to worse before the General Elections and a peaceful protest from voters against the present government was achieved. It was a not just a slap in the face but a real warning to Barisan Nasional.
We need to think rationally and not react emotionally when faced with a corrupt and unjust political machinery. There is no need for panic or desperation.
Malaysians and ex-Malaysians who have strong intentions and good reasons to migrate from Malaysia to greener pastures are like the Hong Kongers who before the handover to China in 1997 thought the island will go down the drain of communist rule. Many migrated to Canada and other popular places.
I agree Malaysia is different from Hong Kong, we are already in a big mess economically and politically. Yet, those who say that the country won't improve for the next thousand years, let them put their money where their mouths are and sign a declaration they will not return for good when Malaysia makes major strides in democracy and living standards.
This is the problem with today's commentators and political analysts: they see the wonderful past of Msia in the 1960-1970s or the great life they enjoy overseas compared to Msia's present state. But they never have the courage, the persistence and the vision to see that change is coming fast in a short time.
Everything is moving fast in the 21st century and change that benefits all citizens is not a choice but a fact of life with the Internet, the political tsunami and winds blowing through Asia.
The same thing can be said about China today. I can foresee the day the communist government will fall and a vibrant democracy arise. Detractors may shout: "Not in a thousand years!" I say quietly to them, just watch and pray, change will come soon.
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